20- Artwork concept-2

María de los Ángeles Viar


Artwork Concept


textile / textiles这个词来源于同一个动词-texere,它的定义是指由线相互交错形成的织物。









Texere es un vocablo latino que etimológicamente significa entrelazar, tejer, trenzar. 

La palabra textil/textiles deriva del mismo verbo, -texere- siendo por definición, telas que están constituidas por hilos que se entrecruzan formando un tejido.

Asimismo, de la voz texere proviene la palabra texto que significa “tejido de palabras”, esto es: vocablos, frases y enunciados que se entrelazan entre sí, tomando el protagonismo absoluto de mi obra, formando parte de su contenido y a la vez, conteniéndola.

Tejido y texto se descubren en un discurso compartido, aunque diferente.

Se reconocen en una danza armónica y deseante. 

Sondean -a su tiempo- cada uno su lugar, su protagonismo. Se tensionan, buscan distancia, para luego, fundirse.

Se demandan, van al encuentro y luego desisten, se abandonan.

Como la vida misma: cuando decidimos atravesarla buscando y buscándonos, viendo, sintiendo y reflexionando sobre nuestro ser y estar. 

Tiempo y espacio. 

Ese es el viaje.


Texere is a Latin word that etymologically means to intertwine, weave, braid.

The word textile / textiles derives from the same verb, -texere- being, by definition, fabrics that are made up of threads that intersect to form a fabric.

Likewise, from the voice texere comes the word text which means “weaving of words”, that is: words, phrases and sentences that are intertwined with each other, taking the absolute leading role in my work, forming part of its content and, at the same time, containing it .

Textile and text are discovered in a shared, albeit different, discourse.

They recognize each other in a harmonious and desiring dance.

They probe -in their time- each one his place, his leading role. They tense up, seek distance, and then melt.

They demand themselves, they go to meet and then they give up, they abandon themselves.
Like life itself: when we decide to go through it searching and searching for ourselves, seeing, feeling and reflecting on our being and being.

Time and space.

That is the journey.

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