Art and affections intersect in my case, in several ways. I have been working for years with the participation of some of my relatives, with materials where stories, memories, and characteristics of objects have an impact. I try to link three scenarios: violence, tailoring, and art.
Tailoring taught me, among other things, to draw in a different way. In that profession, drawing is a permanent instrument of structure in an intermediate stage, it is available to build something else, it interests me a lot. It is an ascetic representation of concrete forms at times. About the trades in particular, I find them very enriching scenarios, mainly to exchange with professionals. Many decisions in the trades are possible to be carried out later in art projects. I am very interested in the fact that anyone can be responsible.
I use a manual for making clothes, which describes very precise technical aspects such as the creation of molds/patterns of the human body, and strategies for using raw materials (tailoring), such as the rational use of materials, including waste. There is a clear action that consists of measuring, taking measurements, and after that, the construction of objects or different devices (and of what we could understand as "taking measurements, in terms of actions").
Another of my interests is the use of the tools used by tailors such as rulers and to be able to intervene/modify their use, in that object. This began with the construction of a series of thin wooden rulers with varnished sectors every ten centimeters, inspired by the centimeters divided into green, yellow and white colors very characteristic to take measurements quickly. Another series of rulers also incorporated rubber bands, magnets, etc. All these series were titled as rigid measures. The centimeter became a ruler and the colors became monochromatic varnished sectors.